Dr. Nicole Galante

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Keeping Warm

It’s getting cooler here in the Northern Hemisphere. After a really hot summer, it’s nice to be outside again. As we move forward in the year, the cooler the weather gets, and we are not always prepared for this change in temperature and how the temperature affects our bodies to its core. So, when you have gone out and come back in chilly, what’s the best thing to do to get warm and help support our body’s immune systems?

First, dress warmly, in layers if possible. You can always take off a layer or two if the day warms up and you get hot. When the body is detoxing, it is always cooler because it is working so hard to heal. So, staying warm helps keep the body core up.

When coming in from cooler weather, tea is always a good way to warm the body. Ginger, cinnamon, chaga, and turmeric teas are some of the best to heat back up with.

Also, a warm Epsom salt foot bath will help as well. Try some ginger oil which helps moves the lymphatic fluid and lavender oil which will help relax the system. This will assist with detox and getting movement going on in the body to assist in warming itself at the same time.

So, pull out all of your woolen goods, get cozy and enjoy the beautiful autumn temperatures and scenery. Be present in the moment, life is short.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole