In Your Own Time
This week spring is starting to color and texture the earth for us here in Maine. The few blades of grass that nature had painted in last week are now becoming woven carpets of green that cushion our feet. Tulips have stretched out tall, and their many colors are coming through their seams that will soon burst open for us to enjoy their splendor. The bright yellow of forsythia bushes are creating many smiles all round our area, and white, delicate flowers of the apple, cherry, and dogwood trees are starting to bloom as well.
Many of you have already had these moments of spring happen for you, and friends in the north are still watching snow melt, friends in the southern hemisphere are moving into cooler temperatures and getting ready for winter.
There is no way to cover all of the different changes at the same time for everyone. However, there is something to be said for your surroundings reflecting your needs and your bodies rhythms at the right time. You are part of the nature in your area, and what is happening around you is the part of the healing, life and energy cycle that you are in as well.
Whether we are gaining the energy for change, slowing down to rest, or in a time of reflection, it is all part of the cycle. Sometimes we would like to be in a different place, and we push for it. This is where we can upset the balance. We look and see what others are doing, where they are in their journey, what things are possible to have occur and then we forget ourselves…where we are, what our needs are in this part of our own journey, and we try to be something we are not. Oh, this will get you somewhere, usually right back to the beginning.
So, right now, look inward and see where you are, what part of the cycle you are in? Please, acknowledge the important and hard work you are doing for yourselves! This work that you are doing for yourself, the hard won steps, the sprints that you get to take, the moments that you have had to wait before moving forward, please know how valuable all of this is, as well as the love and time that you have given to yourself. Please, take this deep look from time to time, before you see something shiny and distracting elsewhere, something that seems faster and everyone else is doing…please don’t leave the work and successes you have accomplished for yourself behind. Own this work that you have done for yourself!
When you do look around at others or seek out new information to assist yourself, reflect on where you are in your healing journey, what work you are doing, how you are feeling, and listen to what your body needs. Everyone is at a different stage in their healing journey, and that is okay! Please give yourself the time you need to give yourself compassion, and the love and grace you need to move forward successfully. Remember, only in your own time, in your own healing journey, is your own success possible.
Love to you all.