Shine, Shine, Shine
Do you ever open a book to a random page, just to see what it tells you?
Why am I asking?
Last week I wrote that LOVE and UNDERSTANDING is plentiful. In truth it is all around and especially within us. Sometimes though we think it is hard to see and find, this is when we need to be brought back to it. Thea (my assistant, who has spoken with many of you) and I where having a conversation about adding new tools to help everyone one along their healing journeys. It started with the suggestion of books that I have suggested to her along the way. The book that had called to me that morning was Louise Hay’s Heart Thoughts - A Treasury of Inner Wisdom. I opened the book to a random page and here are the words that where meant for my heart at that moment. “I let the light of my love shine. When we are in pain or afraid or grieving and we see a light in the darkness, we don’t feel so alone. Let’s think of this light as someone’s love shining upon us. It gives us warmth and comfort. Each of us has the light of love within us. We can let our light shine so it will nurture us and be a great comfort to others.” Hay, 1990, p. 97. YES, YES, YES! My heart was in agreement!
These words resonated deeply with me. I carried them in my heart and they whispered to me throughout the day. Upon my walk, I found myself graced with a clear and crisp winter day and the sun shone love everywhere too! These are the moments I choose to carry in my heart. This is part of that light that fills me with love, hope and the understanding that pain, fear and loss are not meant to be permanent. These days I make sure that I am consciously finding love everyday in this changing world. Love is essential to keep us moving forward on our journey.
We are given the gift of a very large range of emotions, but we can always come back to love. May this small bit of light comfort you in knowing of the love that is within you, to give to yourself and to others.
The book in which I quoted from is Louise Hay’s Heart Thoughts, A Treasury of Inner Wisdom has many different topics in which she gives meditations, excerpts and spiritual assistance and is a wonderful guide when you are having difficulty and need help being brought back to yourself with understanding, compassion and peace. I thought you may enjoy this book, tool along your path. You may find it at or where ever their books are sold.
All My Best,
Dr. Nicole
Reference for Cited Text:
Hay, Louise. (1990). Heart Thoughts A Treasury of Inner Wisdom. Hay House, Inc.