““Hmmmm…..what might I share with you about Nicole? Shall I tell you she is an incredibly gifted soul, with precise clarity regarding your health, or an amazing friend? Honestly I could sit here for hours and still not touch on everything you might want to know! But what you NEED to know is this…….SHE CAN HELP YOU HEAL! As a gifted healer myself, I just knew something was wrong in my physical body and that doctors were not finding it. I knew I was being misdiagnosed and bounced around from doctor to doctor trying to find someone who understood what I was feeling was not in my head! Mainstream doctors were not able to understand what I was feeling psychically in my body or what I was seeing, and were at a total loss for what was happening. I knew in my heart I was not meant to be sick and that I could be well…..I just needed someone else to see what I felt, to make sense of what I could not….to listen…..that person is Dr.Nicole Galante! She was immediately able to identify my imbalance and prescribe vitamins and supplements to assist my body to heal. And trust me when I say it was something quite common, very overlooked, and the root of all kinds of unexplained things throughout my life that were passed off as “hormonal”. She is extremely attentive to your needs and will make sure as your body is rapidly changing and reacting through your treatment, your supplements are adjusted for your optimum needs. Please, you owe it to yourself to be well, it is our god given right to thrive and be healthy…..please consider sharing your needs with Dr.Nicole, you will not be sorry….you will be well!!! Dr. Nicole has also treated my son and is wonderful with the needs of children as well! I also must say that she has an amazing assistant Lauren who will also care for you in a compassionate and caring vibration…..you will feel loved from the minute she answers your call! Always in deep gratitude,”
— Sydney, Texas
““The journey to healing is a path we don’t walk alone. I have been blessed to have Dr.Nicole’s help on this journey. Immediately, I felt her caring, down to earth personality would be a perfect fit for me. If you’re looking for a doctor with skill, compassion, and that really cares about your wellness, you have found her.” ”
— Noel, Washington
““The biggest gift you can give to people & nature around you? Your Happiness! Happiness promotes health in you & others. It is contagious & spreads positivity. Positivity & happiness reflect back to you, the opposite is true. This is the law of nature” “Nicole has touched my life in profound ways. Her ability to pinpoint How I am feeling and what is the cause is uncanny. Her empathetic nature and knowledge of the human body and spirit is a wonderful combination and helps many people around her from family and friends to clients. I have been on a spiritual/Healing journey for some time and I was fortunate to have found a true healer in Nicole. She taps right in to any aliment whether emotional, spiritual, or physical, and always has suggestions and remedies on what the best course of action would be. I highly recommend Nicole for anyone looking for guidance on their health and well being.” ”
— Jennifer - Wakefield, MA
““Not sure where I would be right now without the help of Dr. Nicole, her compassion, knowledge, and intuitive abilities help save my life. I became extremely ill in the winter of 2014. Dr. Nicole knew there had to be more going on with me than two trips to the ER told me. I credit her intuitive abilities for saving me from the illness that could have been life threatening if left unattended. Not only did the illness effecter me physically, the mental and emotion effects were lasting. With Dr. Nicole’s guidance, supplemental advice, nutritional support, life style changes and overwhelming emotional support, I have made a wonderful recovery. I have continued on my path of wellness, I am forever grateful to Dr. Nicole and Lauren (her assistant) for their continual support throughout the process.” ”
— Tricia, Maine
““When I first heard Dr. Nicole’s voice I knew I was home. Home to the place I always dreamed there was somewhere a doctor who listens to you, really listens, beyond words, and can see you for who you are - all of you. A doctor who can all at once take in your concern, desires, your dreams and your state of health. One who brings the whole of the world of healing, to bear on suggestions, for your well-being. Dr. Nicole is all of that and much more. She is rare and truly gifted, with the gift of seeing, hearing and sensing you multi-dimensional systems without needing to see you at all. Her knowledge of anatomy and the workings of the human body are supreme. Her wisdom and compassion is built on thousands of hours of working on patients both in-person and remotely. Dr. Nicole is love, she lives in a world of happiness that rubs off on you like flower pollen on a bee. She is the healing balm of reassurance, hope, faith in oneself and our innate ability to heal ourselves and as a result, our world. I am blessed to have her as a resource for myself and my loved ones.” ”
— Taylor Call M.Div., Evolutionary Intuitive
““Just over 1 week ago I had my first telephone meeting with you. I expected that you would be able to tell me how come I had been so sick these past 2 years and what I should be taking to get well. From the wonderful kudos from the people who wrote about their conversations with you, I knew you would have lots of compassion and I wasn’t wrong about that.
But what I never expected was how calm I became, how cheerful and happy I started to feel, how all the burdens that were making me feel weighted down, would suddenly disappear. I have never in all my 80 years ever had the words of a women make me feel so loved, so appreciated, so elevated to beginning to feel worthy. This was all totally unexpected. But so needed. Not only were you telling me how to heal my body, but you spoke in such loving words without even mentioning anything directly, that I felt completely calm and healed, something I hadn’t felt in a long, long, time.
By the next morning, I knew my ecoli was no longer going to be a problem for me. I also knew that the heart of my young three year old felt healed and was now joining me at the age of 80. I had long ago forgiven the hurts that I experienced as a young child, but I had not forgotten them. Nor could I ever understand what I did to cause the hurt. But suddenly, nothing needed to be explained. I had lost the tension and fear that always seemed to be present within me. I no longer had the need to scold myself for every time I didn’t measure up to whatever it was that was called perfection. At work while I still had the problem with short term memory loss, or the switches I call them when I make an entry into the computer that is the direct opposite of what I intended to do, I just laughed at myself, and corrected what I did wrong. That never happened before. The chatter in my mind that you commented that I should lose, isn’t even part of me any longer.
I have felt the most wonderful peace that has never been a part of who I am this past week and I kept wondering if it would suddenly disappear. But it has not. So the greatest gift I received was one you gave to me without even making me aware it was happening. I fully believe now that peace will stay with me in every aspect of my life. I will laugh often, be very thankful for small things and work very hard to become well very soon physically. I repeat very often, my body is no longer a house for viruses and bacteria. Oh Happy Day!
Thank you with all my heart for everything. Thank you for all the things I will learn now that Nancy is fully joined with her child. I look forward to talking with you again so you can tell me how much I have healed.””