The holidays are over, the new year has come and gone, and the Wolf Moon of January has past. The energy we are surrounded by now is a lot slower, and barely a whisper of the din we have been accustomed to during the season of the solstice. To be honest, I am having a hard time. Not a hard time slowing down, but within the act of slowness itself. Instead of feeling restorative energies, I am feeling stagnation, and a yes, maybe even a little depression.
There is nothing outside of me right now to engage in…no distraction, no next thing on the list or gathering to attend or prepare for.
I am looking the wrong way...
Inward lovely, inward. It is time for quiet and reflection.
So, what is going on with ME right now? A defensive, “Nothing!” pops-up inside my head. Oh my, I’m going to be difficult I see. Refection, honesty and compassion for myself are needed right now, it is time. Sitting down to start this work is the hardest right after an entire season of giving.
Usually though, we forget to give to the one person who is most essential to our wellbeing, Ourselves.
Give yourself the grace that you need to ask yourself; What do you need? What do you need to let go of? What is that going to feel like when you successfully attain and/or release what you need? What is that going look like for you? How do you let it come to you, and let the universe give you what you need? How to you let go and not force how things are going to happen?
This is the work my lovely people.
To show myself that I am serious about starting this work for myself, to really look inward and remember that I too am a sacred being. Because, yes I forget this too, and need to remind myself. I give myself space, a space to remember who I am, a space that helps me know my worth, a space that reflects the divine and reminds me that it is also within me.
I sit in this space every day.
This space can be a mind set, physical space (indoors or out), it can be a time of day or length of time that you give yourself. Where ever it is, and whatever it may look like please ask the questions, do this work, give back to yourself, be honest, compassionate and loving to yourself. This is where the next steps of your journey are going to take their form, and soon it will be time to step back out on to the path of action.
At this time, I am feeling called to help others take the first steps to quiet their minds, and take the first steps of looking inward, or even additional steps of looking further in. The world can be a tantrumming child screaming, “Look at ME!!!” We need to be shown the tools and given new perspectives, in order to be able to set the needed boundaries for healing ourselves and living our lives to the fullest. Sometimes, we need a bit of guidance to find the right mindset to look within ourselves, our bodies, our emotions and the work our soul is here to experience. Sometimes, it is the first step to be taken “by the hand” to be told you are a sacred being, you are love, and you are permitted to embrace this fact to the fullest extent.
A few months ago, I started offering Sound Healing Sessions, and this can be with or without a guided meditation. Here, there is only you, the sound of my crystal bowls and other musical tools. I guide when needed, but the rest of the world is held afar for a time. I will be adding more information to my website on what you can expect for your session as well.
I would be honored to help you meet the love that you are, and help you take that into today’s world for your healing, and to see what effect that has on your life and on those lives around you.
All My Best,
Dr. Nicole