finding your passion


Living in Maine has given me many gifts, as well as learning about the seasons and what each one has to offer. While the world climate as a whole seems to be changing, so have the seasons I have grown to love in Maine. After reading Thea’s beautiful words about finding your passion, I realized I have many. One, which is not my first on the list, is flowers. I love flowers, all flowers. I love color. I love hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. Every spring I watch with amazement as little sprigs of green start sprouting out of the ground, saying “hello” from a long winters nap. It is the cycle of life and the internal beauty of it all. As the earth warms and the sun holds it’s space long in the sky, those little sprouts transform themselves and as summer approaches the magic is about to happen.

Now, of course, for years I tended my gardens with a flock of chickens which are rather helpful, but along came Randy (the best black sheep ever). Randy has definitely created some gardening challenges, most of which I approach as a competition. Some days, he does win more than I would like. After not being able to figure out the best way to Randy-proof my beloved gardens and flower pots last year, 2021 was going to be my year. A full week into summer and I AM WINNING!!! (knock on wood). My perineal beds look like fortresses of metal ‘decorative’ fencing, endless amounts of bamboo sticks, odd yard pieces blocking the ‘weaker’ areas of protection. They look amazing. Go team Nicole. While I have spent hours weeding, edging and improving my soil to make those gardens flourish, there is something more about flowers that I love.


There is a magical feeling in the air when the end of spring is near and the green houses start to open. The anticipation of seeing the color and the smell of nature after a winter hibernation. It expands the senses and reminds me everyday about the cycle of life. Of course, in planning my annual flowers, which are simply a labor of love. I lug out all my pots from the shed, prepare them with fresh soil and get ready for opening day. I find myself at my favorite greenhouse the day the flowers arrive, of course living in a small town, I keep in close contact with the owner!! It could be rain or shine, but I am there picking out all colors of the rainbow, smiling from ear to ear, talking to the flowers and filling my cart. Once my truck is full and my heart is happy, off I go. I spend the next few days mixing colors and figuring out how to protect them from Randy, he loves flowers too. This has been a great year for my flower pots, protected from Randy, they are flourishing in the summer sun! Since this summer has decided it is going to be the hottest one on record, watering has become very much a full time job. Can you imagine it takes 3 hours a day, to water flowers and all the animals? It has become part of my exercise routine lugging around 300 feet of hose and IT IS WORTH every second!! Even on the dark foggy Maine days my flowers are bright and cheerful making my soul smile. It truly is a passion enjoying what nature has to offer. I am looking forwards to what lies ahead for the summer and I don't even get me started talking about Fall Mums!!! While this seems like work, it is what helps keep me in nature, keeps me outside and remembering with care we can all keep blooming, even when the flowers fade there are deep roots that keep us planted.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole
