keeping hydrated

Eating for the Season

Foods that are in season nourish our bodies with the nutrients that we need for the weather and temperature of the season that we are currently in. Seasonal foods generally have the best flavors and best nutrition, especially when purchased locally. In return, you get to support small businesses, cut out the middle man, be more environmentally conscious, and know where your food comes from.

If you need an idea of what type of produce is available in your area, a visit to your local farmers market will give you a wealth of information of what produce is available to you each season.

As we (in the norther hemisphere) enter autumn, we need to add some warmth to our cooling foods, spices can assist you with this. Some of these spices are: cinnamon, clove, cardamon, cumin, ginger, fennel, and mustard seed. These spices can assist in with keeping your sinuses from drying out. This assists your immune system in defending you from colds and flu.

Remember, in every season to keep hydrated! Cool, dry weather makes your body need hydration just as much as the summer sun.

All My Best!

Dr. Nicole


Preparing for Autumn

With the change of seasons, the needs of our bodies change as well. As we are now going well into Autumn (and Spring in the Southern Hemisphere), here is a list of supplements that can assist you with the changes in temperature, being indoors more, and the colds and allergies of the season:


Vitamin C




Thieves Oil


These are the items that I use to help with my immune system and energy level during this time of the year.

Don’t forget to keep yourself hydrated during this time of year! You still need help to cleanse your body and keep up with its need to process everything for your highest good.

If you feel that you need more assistance than these supplements are giving or want to go over the right amount for you, you are more than welcome to make a 15-minute supplement appointment with me.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole