healthy lifestyle

What the animals are saying…

We have welcomed the calendar years entrance into Spring. We all have different times and ways Spring announces it’s arrival where we live. Have you noticed all the shifts in nature that is coming with this season? Here, not only has the sap begun to move from the roots of trees to bring life to it’s branches and buds are beginning to appear, but animals have started to show themselves everywhere. Coming out from hiding or from the south. They are all here now, out in full force.


I was trying to think back to the time that this book, Animal-Speak, The Spiritual and Magical Powers of Creatures Great and Small by Ted Andrews, came to me. The exact moment has not returned to my memory, most likely because it is not relevant, but what is important is that this book has traveled many miles with me. On many hikes, many island visits, may camping trips and I’ve slept with it right under my pillow for immediate reach when it’s needed. This book and information within keeps me connected to my soul and my spirit.

In many shamanic traditions they have a journey to find you spirit animal is a part of learning the way of the elders. For thousands of years we have lived in among many, many different animals on this planet. We have watched their patterns, their paths and have “listened” to what they have to tell us. They have messages about the weather, predators, and life patterns. Within the teachings of this book I have truly witnessed and learned many lessons about what animals are here telling me. Most importantly, what insights they have for me about myself.

Enjoy this book, embrace this book. If it speaks to you, allow yourself to find your spirit animal or animals. Seek the messages that are here for you, today and always.

Signs of Spring

I went out to do my morning barn chores this morning, and there was 3 extra inches of grass that has emerged from underneath the snow, and some of it is even green! Every morning now the grass area will get bigger as the snow recedes.


As I open up the chicken coop for the day, I hear a hen clucking, they are starting to lay again. I wonder if I will have a clutch hidden on me again this year and have baby chicks seem to pop up out of no where.

I look out at out towards the pond as I close the coop door and I realize that the Canadian geese that come every year are probably not far way now. I love when they return again to swim, explore, call to each other, and raise their young.


I pass the my garden that is laden with snow, and ponder the arrangement of veggies that I grew last year, and where they will need to go this year, and did I remember to order the last couple of seed packets that I wanted to try…

The walk way to the barn is changing from ice and snow to a bit of mud. I let Rosie the cow and Randy the sheep out for the day. Rosie will have green grass to munch instead of just hay she has had for the last few months, and soon Randy will need shearing.


The list of changes that comes with the arrival of spring runs through my head: the violets and johnny jump-ups, the cats chewing on plants started inside, the shrubs blooming, how to keep Randy from eating all the flowers, robins hopping and flying about he ground and trees, the mud that will be here for a couple of weeks, the grass that will need mowing soon after that. So many things are about to happen!

But for now I stop to inhale the smell of spring that is on the breeze, the energy that is coming from the earth as it wakes, and the possibility of life that is awaiting to “Spring” forth. I will enjoy witnessing each of these things in there own time. Until then the excitement of the Earth awakening resides in me as well.

What are you waiting to see or feel this spring?

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole

The Love That You Are

This month the theme of love and the shining of our light that carries our love has been a theme, and how very timely this theme has been. I also mentioned, sometimes the love that surrounds us is hard to see, but really love is always with you. Some of us love ourselves implicitly, some of us love passionately everyone around us, but forget ourselves. Some days we are both of these people. Either way we benefit when we give ourselves time, attention and our own love.


You know that I love to be outside no matter the season, to have the sun on my face, my feet on the ground and surrounded by animals. Here I can close my eyes and come back to myself, remember the love that I am, and that I have for myself. It is these beautiful moments like this that I would like to be able to help you with, to find or remember that place within yourself where your sun shines, where you can ground yourself and be the part of nature and love that you are.

To do this, I have a few suggestions for a meditation for finding a place of peace to look inward, towards your heart and finding love there. A love for yourself and the grace to receive it unconditionally. Your heart holds the light that allows you to see the Love That You Are.

Where do you feel the most relaxed and at peace? What are your ideal circumstances for comfort, healing and safety? Can you physically be there? If so, great! If not, making yourself comfortable and envisioning yourself there is a wonderful place to be as well.

Please start with getting to your space and getting comfortable. Take three deep breaths and start to notice your surroundings. Slowly ask yourself: What do you see? What do you hear? Do other senses come into play? Make sure to acknowledge and enjoy what brings you this ability to ground and enjoy the calm and peace that surrounds you.

When you have settled into this place take notice of in what part of your body does this awareness take place? On your skin? In your mind? In your heart?

Let’s try to bring that awareness to your heart. Bring the peace, warmth and contentment you have in this space to your heart. This may take some practice. If you need to place your hand over your heart to start with, just bring one aspect of what you are feeling there. In time more will follow. This is where the light of your love shines, it shines right there within you. This love is for you and it is you. Take your time there, getting to know this love and that it is really you. Let it spread throughout your body as your heart beats, let it grow, let it fill you, and let it spill over into the world.

Welcome your love back to yourself, welcome yourself back to yourself.

Carry this light within you where ever you are or go, and remember these sensations of love for what they are, You! The more you visualize and remember who you are, the easier it is to hold this understanding and bring it forth.

I do this daily, as there are many distractions in this world that can make it easy to forget to remember myself, and as many teachers say, on the days where I don’t have time, I do it twice.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole


Who is Randy?

Randy came into the world in February 2019, in the frigid cold. It was so cold that his mother was unable to get him up and dried off quickly enough before frostbite had set in. Luckily, Randy’s farmers were able to get him inside and thought out his frozen body with a hairdryer and nursed him back to health. This took about three months. While Randy has some permanent damage to his hind legs, ears, and feet, he is a healthy, wooly lamb. 

October 2019, I was having a conversation with one of Randy’s farmers about getting Miss Rosie a companion animal. As I felt she gets a little depressed in the darker months. At this time I was told all about the little frostbitten lamb, who just did not quite fit in around there “working“ farm. I do not think of myself as a farmer, I think of myself as a caretaker of all creatures in a steward of my land. So, arrangements were made to bring this 9-month-old lamb to become part of our family.


Randy was dropped off on a beautiful fall day, the air was crisp, the sky was blue and I had no idea how to care for a sheep, honestly I never even had been around sheep. He was timid during the first couple of days but wanted nothing to do with being in a barn or a pen or a companion for Miss Rosie. He was stuck to Mike and I like glue. Lester was beyond excited to have a mini-me to play with, and could not figure out why Randy could not come inside to play. 

In less than 48 hours we learned that Randy did not care about electric fences, he really wanted to eat anything but grass/hay, he loves to be fussed over, to have his chin scratched, and he let us know he was not your “ordinary sheep“. 

Fast forward, Randy has been in our lives for nine months, which in sheep parent terms “terms“ it feels like decades. The winter presented some Randy challenges, mostly convincing him he was not a house sheep, although his persistence was enough to figure out how to open the front door, the garage door...basically, any entry to the house was fair game. Calling the local hardware store asking for someone to fix your screen door, because your pet sheep just walked in, is just “normal“ these days

Spring presented an entirely new set of Randy “issues”. I have spent 14 years working on my flower gardens, they are truly a labor of love, for Randy they have been what he loves to eat! The first glimpses of the greens were tempting and tender, which he really enjoyed. The gardens that had open borders were Randy’s favorite spots to graze, the ENTIRE DAY. We spent hours trying to find the best “Randy proof” fencing, we had several failed attempts, as he would find the weakest spot and then, there he would be, grazing on daylilies and peonies. There are decorative fences, my yard-garb creations my dad made, pallets, old windows, and rocks all over the yard surrounding the gardens. While they look nice, there are a few plants Randy loves and there are extra layers of protection for them. Luckily, the vegetable garden has always been protected, from Miss Rosie as well as the neighborhood dear. Over the years I have enjoyed planting annuals and having a splash of color all over the yard, now those are simply hanging baskets as well as a couple of pots behind dog gates. Which are 100% effective if put in the exact right spot.

Randy just wants to be included in EVERY SINGLE  thing we do. He would hop in the truck and go if we let him, he never misses a walk, he is kind to every animal he meets, he watches the cats with amazement, he enjoys animal planet when he’s inside, he hangs out with the chickens, he greets the delivery people, he lets you know when it’s 6 PM (time to eat!), he loves kisses, he loves to be brushed, he loves Lester, he burps a lot, he nibbles everything, he enjoys a cool day and most of all he makes your soul happy. Randy, has bought brought an endless amount of joy to our home, we say, “No Randy” at least 20 times a day, and he will gladly nibble on your tire if you come and visit but no worries, he’s never given anyone a flat.

There has yet to be a dull moment around since we adopted Randy. Nor, has there been a reason to lock our doors before, but now we do, all because of a sheep name Randy. He’s the fluffiest, funniest creature, he thinks he’s skinny and knocks over our lawn furniture, and he sleeps on the dog bed beds. On a happy note, upon weeding my garden he will eat the entire pile of weeds which is great for me, a little less work. There are days that just Randy alone, can leave you feeling like you have been chasing 10 toddlers around all day, but in reality, it’s just been Randy touching everything. 

Randy has a very special relationship with Lester, their energy feeds off each other, and in their time together it is easy to hear each of them blaming the other for all things wrong. There is a “sheepish“ way Randy looks at Lester and calling him the “black sheep.” They are indeed a pair, and our lives will never be the same because of the two of them. We have enjoyed watching Randy’s personality flourish, we have enjoyed watching him try to be a “real sheep“, we have learned resiliency of plants and their ability to adapt to a short growing spring. We enjoy our family walks, and most of all we LOVE RANDY and all his little quirks, he fits in perfectly.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole

My First Sign Of Spring

I’ve been waiting for the first robin of spring.

I’ve seen the water running underneath its crust of ice, mosses starting to become a brighter green, seen the ground heave and have had the frost crunch and sink under my feet. Still, I’m waiting for that first robin of spring.


I find myself inquiring if anyone else has seen this elusive sight of spring? I have received a lot of no’s and not yet, but many recall maybe that they have heard a friend make mention of it.

I go for walks, start the yearly clean-up of the backyard, and greet the sun while listening to all of the song birds, waiting to hear the robin join in…not yet, I’m still waiting, where is that first robin of spring?

It’s been warm enough to hang out laundry - twice, baby chicks and ducklings should be here next week, and the seeds that my family have planted have all germinated inside, right next to our sunniest window. There is still not a robin insight.


So, today I’ve done the animal chores, checked the email situation, made breakfast, and started to think that it maybe nice enough again to hand out some laundry, oh no I didn’t start the machine…as I walk to the laundry room and glance out the window…oh my, yes!!! There he is! I look about the house to inform everyone that it has finally happened, the robins are returning! Spring is here! There’s one in the garden! However, no one is about at this moment, it’s mine alone, a meeting of Spring just for me. I walk outside, hoping that he is still there, and he is…all in his red-breasted glory, hopping about my dormant garden.

Right now all signs of Spring are to the contrary, snow starts to spit and there are even bits of hail coming down, but I find that my soul is taking solace in this moment. The robin hops and pecks about the bark mulch bordering my garden, gives a quick chirp and a nod, then he is off. I relax and sit in the quiet of this moment, wipe the snow that’s leaving wet, cold kisses on my cheeks and know that spring is on its way.

Maybe next time the robin will be here long enough to pose for a photo, until then I await his return.

What is your sign that Spring is finally here?


A Bit of Spring’s Energy is Being Felt

Movement is beginning once again, the stillness of winter is beginning to wane and this year,  spring’s energy is coming in with a bang!

My morning routine is full of spilled water, tea and smoothies.  I have dropped nearly everything that I have tried picking up at least once. Lester Whoodle is running through the house with an entire roll of toilet paper, and Randy the Sheep has learned to open the door from the outside, however closing the door is not something he worries about.  A light bulb blows and my phone is dinging for attention.


Out of the corner of my eye is see the sun is rising, so I leave it all to witness the beauty and of course take a picture too.

Do you see chaos or lessons? Both?

Well, I acknowledge that there is chaos, but my response is what makes all of the difference.

Where does my attention go, what do I give my energy too? These answers are choices, ones that make my day happy-go-lucky or go horribly wrong. It has everything to do with ME. I choose to focus on the beauty of nature, the love of my animals and trust myself to get everything back into place in my own time.  And I am okay with that. I don’t always make the best choice, so consequences and lessons insue then as well. Somedays there is just too much chaos for me to handle. Sometimes it goes badly, and I need to regroup and then trust myself again to get everything back into place, in my own time. And I am okay with that too!

We are at that time of year when the stillness of winter is beginning to shift into the energy of spring. New growth on every level brings in so much energy to push things moving in a forward direction, that it does not always look “pretty.”  The new pushing the old out, clearing the way for new life, new directions, new healing, and such. So, soon our bodies, physical surroundings, mental space, and spiritual needs are going to shift, “cleaning house” so to speak.

So, as spring nears and your body is clearing and purging what needs to be released... When you have the need to clean your home at 1 am and rearrange every room you have...

When you find yourself needing to be making life choices and are dealing with hard change and hard work... When you are asking God and all of the Angels for support… How are you going to respond to this change?  Are you going to take these opportunities for release and change to move forward with your life and healing? Or are you going to view them as “your latest setback”? It truly is up to you!

As you catch yourself in the chaos, take a moment to breathe, remember that choice is always yours to keep moving forward and find yourself embracing the chaos, and just smile. It’s all part of the journey.

All My Best

Dr. Nicole


Seek Out the Joy!

As January ends, winter has set in and the energy that surrounds us has slowed our paces considerably. Enough so we can take stock of where we are and where we would like to be going. As we have slowed we have been able to see our surroundings for what they are, and what place we have among them. To assess the tools that are at our disposal and what we have to assist ourselves in what we would like to manifest and create for ourselves.

Making plans to move forward through this year are becoming more clear as the days pass. just ask my little black sheep Randy, who has decided he is coming into the house for love and companionship, as well as going for rides in the truck to see what else is in our small part of the world (just like his “brother” Lester the Whoodle)…the universe seems to be clearing the way for the life he wants too…

What changes do you want to see in your surroundings, yourself, and your healing journey?

What tools do you have to assist in these changes?

Are you willing to do the work you need and let change happen as the universe sees fit? Or are you going to try to force things (and by the way, how’s that been going for you so far?)

These plans that we make for our hopes and dreams every year affect every aspect of our lives. Seeds are sown every spring, literally and figuratively and grow into fruition, or not depending on the tools and care that we implement. Do we accept that we need to put in the work to cultivate these outcomes? To learn, to work at things daily, and then take ownership and delight in the outcome of that daily work?

My little black sheep Randy, who despite having a foot that did not form in the normally learned how to walk, then run and then climb steps to get to a door. He didn’t stop there, he learned how to open a door with his mouth to join his best friend and brother Lester, for shenanigans in the house.

This sweet little lamb has a plan, to get inside and play (and is now attempting to also get in the truck for rides) and is willing to learn to get to where his little heart wants to be. He is opening doors to my heart, our home and possibilities for himself that I never imagined happing (okay to be honest, I may have imagined them, but not in the short span of a couple of months.)

Maybe that is a place that we can join him on his journey and start doing what we need to, to create the life we would like to have. To seek out and find our joy, make our hearts and souls happy.

Right now, at this time of year, is where we decide how we are going to move forward. Choosing our tools, creative being, and attitudes that will move us into spring.

I am sending you all love and hope you open your own doors to love, joy, happiness and compassion.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole and Randy too!


The Body Knows How to Heal Itself, Are You Listening?

These days, I am out in nature everyday. I watch, listen and meditate in outside everyday. I watch, walk and run about with my animals. Slower than the little dog who flies, maybe a little faster than (at times) the sheep who checks out what grasses are tasty along the way. This is where I am doing most of my healing these days. My heart these days, is very full, and I am very grateful!

In reading these words, you can assume this has not where I have always been. A couple of years ago I fell on the ice and hit my head. This resulted in a concussion and a lot of physical healing of my brain was needed. As as often times as it must be in this universe, this also went hand in hand with healing of my mind and soul as well.

Today, my brain is healed physically, however allowing this to become the priority, giving it time to heal was harder than I ever thought it would be. I had to slow down, I had to give it time, I had to rest. I had to give up things that gave me joy.

That winter when I first fell, I could not play tennis, my winter exercise and stress relief, no longer an option. I needed to work less hours, and I was exploring expanding my business, reaching more people to help and fulfill my calling. How was this going to work? Um, no I have employees and people that where counting on me. I cannot let all of these people down…obviously I was supposed to overcome it all, right?

So, i pushed on through. I nourished my body, however I may have glossed over the need to rest my mind and tend to my soul after this injury. Physically, I attempted to do everything as I always had (how else would I take care of my body, home and animals), mentally things where a struggle and tending to my soul happened in spurts when I found time and was able to focus, which sadly was not often. Things got done, I got tired, things grew, i got more tired, a year went by I did not change, I was exhausted…I was keeping myself healthy enough to do what needed to get done…right?

The next winter, I was out shoveling snow and fell, hit my head and…

People the universe is going to keep giving you the same lesson until you get it! No matter who you are. This time, it was more serious, and I did not have a option to “push through it.” This time self-care was not an option. Healing was not something I was going to be able to dictate the course of. My body needed rest, my mind needed rest, and my soul demanded rest.

I needed to give up all of the ways that I had always “managed” stress, my businesses and obligations. I have to say, that things really have gone differently than I have ever imagined they would. AND THIS IS OKAY! Patience, Trust, love and self-care have been the outcome of this lesson. These are now things that I make sure are part of my day. Some days it is easy to remember and incorporate, some days are a total fail. I’m still learning and walking my path. I am healing, and become more whole with everyday that passes. However, there is more appreciation, gratitude, and love to be found everywhere.

I know you may of your wish for quicker healing, healing of certain aspects before others or just want to push (force) through. Please, please, please be patient, trust you are on the right path, and give yourself the care and love you deserve.

So remember, you are right where you need to be, your body is working as hard as it can healing your physical self where your need it first. Your body knows where and how much energy to devote to healing itself in order of need for it to work to its’ highest good. It is important that you allow healing to go in the order that needs to. Trust your body to get it right. Let go of the thinking patterns that you know the route to heal successfully. Just envision yourself in the state of health that you want to be in and trust your body to get you there. Give your body the right foods and nourishment, have patience with yourself, slow down and give yourself the time you need to heal, and do things that truly give you joy, you will know what they are when you realize how grateful you are for them each day.

I hope your heart is full at the end of the day.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole


Holiday Self-Care

Just a few little notes to self this week about keeping things real and for your highest good. This time of year, festive and happy are what comes to mind for many but unfortunately, that is not always realistic. Whether you are with family, friends or just find this time of year difficult to navigate:

  1. Self-care comes first! Remember why you are on your healing journey, this will help in the decisions and reactions you make and have while with others.

  2. Use past interactions with others as a reference for what you can expect with them this year.

  3. Keep your expectations of others realistic. It is the season of goodness and light, but that does not always guarantee a happy, positive attitude with anyone. People are who they are.

  4. Know your boundaries, be vocal about them, and keep them. If they are not respected you have the ability to remove yourself from the conversation and/or location.

  5. If you find that you are in a place that is harmful or overwhelming to you, your healing, your mental state or are just in continuous discomfort, leave. Have a plan in place beforehand, then you will have this option at your disposal if needed. Pre-planning means you will not have to make decisions about “how” when you will most likely already be overwhelmed. You have the right to protect yourself.

  6. Don’t go it alone. Plan to have friends on stand-by or even go with you.

Slow down. Really think through whether or not you want to go where you are invited. Sometimes it just has to do with your energy level. Saying no is okay (even if you’d like to go, remember self-care first!) No is a boundary. A necessary boundary. It is a boundary of self-care. There is a limit to what you allow yourself to give or others to freely take, without taxing or doing harm to yourself.

Lastly, you can always do your own thing! Make new traditions for celebrating during the holiday season. Or choose to do something different entirely.

Please take care of yourself this season, and may blessings be upon you.

Happy Solstice Everyone! Here’s to bringing in the light!

Dr. Nicole


Give the Gift of a Moment to Yourself

When was the last time you took a moment for yourself? When was the last time you stopped and listened to what your internal needs are?

Not, what am I going to put on, in and around myself. Not, selecting supplements, foods, exercising, or dressing for the day’s requirements.

A moment to say hello to yourself, to check in with yourself, to love yourself for your own sake, for your own soul.

This does not take a meditation practice, an enormous amount of time, or need the eloquence of the perfect mantra.

It just takes positive intention, honesty, and a moment. Just take a moment to be completely honest with yourself. It is harder than you think, so allow yourself to sit for a minute and ask what your true needs are at this time.

Just a hey, you’re important, you’re worthy, you’re loved.

Find a spot you feel you feel comfortable with yourself for 5-10, can be inside or outside, even right where you are when you remember, oh yes, time for me!

Take a few deep breaths and visualize your healthiest, most vibrant self and give yourself the love and joy of that moment. Repeat as needed. Repeat again as needed. Remember it only takes a moment to give yourself, a little self-love, reassurance and an internal high five!! High five is a good way to remind yourself, YOU ARE DOING THIS!!

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole