
My First Sign Of Spring

I’ve been waiting for the first robin of spring.

I’ve seen the water running underneath its crust of ice, mosses starting to become a brighter green, seen the ground heave and have had the frost crunch and sink under my feet. Still, I’m waiting for that first robin of spring.


I find myself inquiring if anyone else has seen this elusive sight of spring? I have received a lot of no’s and not yet, but many recall maybe that they have heard a friend make mention of it.

I go for walks, start the yearly clean-up of the backyard, and greet the sun while listening to all of the song birds, waiting to hear the robin join in…not yet, I’m still waiting, where is that first robin of spring?

It’s been warm enough to hang out laundry - twice, baby chicks and ducklings should be here next week, and the seeds that my family have planted have all germinated inside, right next to our sunniest window. There is still not a robin insight.


So, today I’ve done the animal chores, checked the email situation, made breakfast, and started to think that it maybe nice enough again to hand out some laundry, oh no I didn’t start the machine…as I walk to the laundry room and glance out the window…oh my, yes!!! There he is! I look about the house to inform everyone that it has finally happened, the robins are returning! Spring is here! There’s one in the garden! However, no one is about at this moment, it’s mine alone, a meeting of Spring just for me. I walk outside, hoping that he is still there, and he is…all in his red-breasted glory, hopping about my dormant garden.

Right now all signs of Spring are to the contrary, snow starts to spit and there are even bits of hail coming down, but I find that my soul is taking solace in this moment. The robin hops and pecks about the bark mulch bordering my garden, gives a quick chirp and a nod, then he is off. I relax and sit in the quiet of this moment, wipe the snow that’s leaving wet, cold kisses on my cheeks and know that spring is on its way.

Maybe next time the robin will be here long enough to pose for a photo, until then I await his return.

What is your sign that Spring is finally here?


Holiday Self-Care

Just a few little notes to self this week about keeping things real and for your highest good. This time of year, festive and happy are what comes to mind for many but unfortunately, that is not always realistic. Whether you are with family, friends or just find this time of year difficult to navigate:

  1. Self-care comes first! Remember why you are on your healing journey, this will help in the decisions and reactions you make and have while with others.

  2. Use past interactions with others as a reference for what you can expect with them this year.

  3. Keep your expectations of others realistic. It is the season of goodness and light, but that does not always guarantee a happy, positive attitude with anyone. People are who they are.

  4. Know your boundaries, be vocal about them, and keep them. If they are not respected you have the ability to remove yourself from the conversation and/or location.

  5. If you find that you are in a place that is harmful or overwhelming to you, your healing, your mental state or are just in continuous discomfort, leave. Have a plan in place beforehand, then you will have this option at your disposal if needed. Pre-planning means you will not have to make decisions about “how” when you will most likely already be overwhelmed. You have the right to protect yourself.

  6. Don’t go it alone. Plan to have friends on stand-by or even go with you.

Slow down. Really think through whether or not you want to go where you are invited. Sometimes it just has to do with your energy level. Saying no is okay (even if you’d like to go, remember self-care first!) No is a boundary. A necessary boundary. It is a boundary of self-care. There is a limit to what you allow yourself to give or others to freely take, without taxing or doing harm to yourself.

Lastly, you can always do your own thing! Make new traditions for celebrating during the holiday season. Or choose to do something different entirely.

Please take care of yourself this season, and may blessings be upon you.

Happy Solstice Everyone! Here’s to bringing in the light!

Dr. Nicole
