loving yourself

Sitting with the Unsettled

Have you ever been in a situation where something does not feel right? Something feels off, but you cannot put your finger on it? For myself, I have felt this many times over the years. Definitely more so in the last year. The energy doesn’t feel right, nothing feels like it has an easy flow. Instantly, I always look for outside forces, the moon, storms, cloudy day, the planets, the unsettled world, did I eat something bad, did Randy get in the bird seed…the list is end less. Honestly, I could spend hours analyzing the “outside reasons” for the unsettle that I am feeling, which can range from mild to extreme.

Somedays, the unsettled also seems to be a void of energy as if I am not able to put any energy into that void other than to let it be. Again, it is just something that you cannot quite grasp or make sense of, or even explain. It just has a presence.

I talk a lot about connecting with nature, because it gets my energy into the present moment, and being with my animals in the present moment is so grounding. Although it may not “settle” that energy, it gives it time to clear. Finding little rituals at this time is important. I keep a little space set up with a candle and a crystal or two. Whatever, I am called to do at the time. Lighting that candle and just asking the universe for some supportive energy is important, meditation or other rituals may not feel “easy” to connect with during this time, just something small is all that is needed to ask and start receiving the support that is needed.


Be forgiving of yourself, know that the unsettle may not be external, internal or even yours. It could be the energy around you at the time. Say a little prayer for yourself, for the space where you are, send some serious love to yourself and then out to the world, and you will find peace in the moment.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole

The Love That You Are

This month the theme of love and the shining of our light that carries our love has been a theme, and how very timely this theme has been. I also mentioned, sometimes the love that surrounds us is hard to see, but really love is always with you. Some of us love ourselves implicitly, some of us love passionately everyone around us, but forget ourselves. Some days we are both of these people. Either way we benefit when we give ourselves time, attention and our own love.


You know that I love to be outside no matter the season, to have the sun on my face, my feet on the ground and surrounded by animals. Here I can close my eyes and come back to myself, remember the love that I am, and that I have for myself. It is these beautiful moments like this that I would like to be able to help you with, to find or remember that place within yourself where your sun shines, where you can ground yourself and be the part of nature and love that you are.

To do this, I have a few suggestions for a meditation for finding a place of peace to look inward, towards your heart and finding love there. A love for yourself and the grace to receive it unconditionally. Your heart holds the light that allows you to see the Love That You Are.

Where do you feel the most relaxed and at peace? What are your ideal circumstances for comfort, healing and safety? Can you physically be there? If so, great! If not, making yourself comfortable and envisioning yourself there is a wonderful place to be as well.

Please start with getting to your space and getting comfortable. Take three deep breaths and start to notice your surroundings. Slowly ask yourself: What do you see? What do you hear? Do other senses come into play? Make sure to acknowledge and enjoy what brings you this ability to ground and enjoy the calm and peace that surrounds you.

When you have settled into this place take notice of in what part of your body does this awareness take place? On your skin? In your mind? In your heart?

Let’s try to bring that awareness to your heart. Bring the peace, warmth and contentment you have in this space to your heart. This may take some practice. If you need to place your hand over your heart to start with, just bring one aspect of what you are feeling there. In time more will follow. This is where the light of your love shines, it shines right there within you. This love is for you and it is you. Take your time there, getting to know this love and that it is really you. Let it spread throughout your body as your heart beats, let it grow, let it fill you, and let it spill over into the world.

Welcome your love back to yourself, welcome yourself back to yourself.

Carry this light within you where ever you are or go, and remember these sensations of love for what they are, You! The more you visualize and remember who you are, the easier it is to hold this understanding and bring it forth.

I do this daily, as there are many distractions in this world that can make it easy to forget to remember myself, and as many teachers say, on the days where I don’t have time, I do it twice.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole


Whatever the Weather

Yesterday it was sunny with a warm wind, today is rain that is going to turn into snow as the sun sets, we will wake with a light covering of snow tomorrow morning. The weather here in the northeast changes daily in the spring. It can mimic January to August, in the scope of a few hours, but we know it will never last too long.


We are not fooled by the warmth of the sun, for hours later we can be cover in snow. We know that the northerly wind can freeze water over night till about noon, but it cannot hold on forever. We know that change is what to expect, and even though we may dream warmer days with a warmer breeze before the little black flies hatch, we have to “be” here now.

Weather happens daily, sometimes hourly, some times it rains in the back yard and is sunny in the front (Rainbow Time!!!) But as I just stated, the only time that you can enjoy it is right now. Put on the appropriate gear to keep warm and dry and go enjoy that spring snow storm, go jump in that puddle, go enjoy the sunshine on your skin when that extra layer gets too hot. Go back inside and make tea and soups when the rain makes you cold.


Enjoy the little things that the weather brings to your senses. The warm woolly smell of a sweater, mud tugging on your boots and knowing your feet are dry, bare feet in a barely warm garden, wearing layers that keep you just right in the sun, laying on the ground with the smell of spring earth and last years grasses breaking down, being drowsy and just wanting a little nap. Running for the house in a spring rain shower, but not really upset that you are getting wet, or possibly because it’s absolutely freezing.

What on earth is she getting at you ask?

The moments of nature that you can experience are many and vast, these are just a few I experienced in one day this week. Each moment was fleeting, but they where all joyous, some of it blissful, some allowed for me to be a participant in creating spring in my garden. Other moments had me sheltering indoors, nourishing my body with foods and warmth. Not every moment was comfortable, but I am aware that I am blessed to be able to change my situation, here I could seek the shelter that I needed and then rejoin nature outdoors when the weather changed.

Change allows the discomfort to lead you to where you need to be, or comfort in a new setting, to find the joy, or what makes your soul content. Change is inevitable, it always is. Sometimes change is rapid and sometimes it is slow in coming, but it is coming. Nothing in nature is meant to stay stagnant. In the Spring, the changes in the weather are rapid, so is growth during this time. There changes are not limited to the weather and plant growth, it applies to us as well.

The changes of this spring’s awakening have not been comfortable, but if this were not so, changes that are so baldly needed would not be happening. Changes that give us opportunities to assist in our healing, finding comfort, rest, and growth. These changes are occurring for all of us. Our bodies are being asked to move and get out after the quiet state of winter, and then were thrown into energetically charged time of refection earlier this year. Now, now we get to move forward, just like the Earth in Spring.

How is your journey reflecting the season?

Are you accommodating changes or fighting them?

Have you stopped for a moment to see what possibilities change is trying to bring you too?

You do not have to know the answers to these questions, but maybe give yourself some time in nature, or while you’re sheltering from it to maybe sit with them, and see what opportunities are within the changes that are coming your way.

All My Best


Sitting with Discomfort


The energy that we have received in this past month, is comparable to the winds that have started off this month of March. In this last month, I personally have received so many personal challenges, and they were indeed designed for me alone. There have been things I needed to slow down for, changes I needed to make to be able to move forward in my endeavors, and even some personal issues that I needed to come to terms with.

However, the energy that was there for me to work with, made it understood that under no certain circumstances could I proceed without doing the work. There was no way forward until I had completed what needed to be done. Things broke, posts wouldn’t go up, deadlines were not met and even getting sick for a short time. These lessons also came hard and fast, one right after the other, not allowing me to ignore them for very long.

I needed to stop and look at why things were not working, what things were broken and preventing me from moving forward, why would those blog posts just not go up without a hitch, what was actually being missed when I couldn’t meet a deadline or what things were not being done when I needed to rest and care for myself instead.

What actually needed to change, was the mindset I was in. We know that we cannot proceed as we always have if change is what we seek. However, sometimes we become stubborn and try to force needed changes and then remain who we always have been. This is not possible. New understandings change us little by little, there is always some loss for who we were and beliefs that we have held on to so dearly and for so long. This is okay, as a matter of fact, if you don’t feel their loss, there may be a chance you don’t actually let them go…and you will indeed receive the lesson again.

Sitting with these discomforts, and being in a place readying yourself to make changes are the lessons. The universe wants you to be successful, find that new path, new opportunities, new ideas, and new ways to create love and joy. Acknowledging pain and discomfort and making choices to not stay there will bring forth the new paths you will walk as spring arrives and we welcome the changes and renewal that it affords us.

Please keep up the hard work, it is doing you so much good and creating the love that is essential for life.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole


New Healing Support Appointments

I have sat with the question this spring on how to move forward in my offerings to support you in your healing journey. I found myself drawn towards tools and practices that support the mind, body and spirit together. This work is with the energy that the body receives, holds and releases. This work will assist in getting your body’s energy to move throughout it fluidly and balance this energy within the body, as well as assist with shifting it to be in tune with your body’s healing process.

Listed below are the new healing support appointments I will be offering:


New - 60 Minute Sound Healing

Clearing and lifting your energy through sound.  Bath yourself in vibrations of my crystal bowls and additional musical instruments. We will work on aligning your energy with the vibrations of healing and love. Welcoming the highest good for your body, mind, and soul.

New - 60 Minute Energy Healing

Through my Shamanic practice, I have learned there are many different energy healing modalities.  Here, I will work with the many tools I have acquired as we explore healing on many different levels for your body, mind, and soul. During this time I will call on and direct energy into the areas where it is needed most for your healing. We will work with this energy to actively bring forward what is needed to assist you in healing and to learn how you can continue the healing work you need to do going forward.

New - 30 Minute Guided Meditation

Assisting you to become grounded, aware of yourself, aware of your healing needs and to empower yourself to explore calling on the energy needed for your own body, mind, and soul.  Meditations are used for many different needs, whether they are physical, energetical, or spiritual, they assist in calling in the energy to help your body vibrate or towards vibrating on the healing level that it needs. This guided meditation also assists you in being mindful of your needs and moving towards the healing that you seek.

Please see the booking page for pricing information and availability.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole

Seek Out the Joy!

As January ends, winter has set in and the energy that surrounds us has slowed our paces considerably. Enough so we can take stock of where we are and where we would like to be going. As we have slowed we have been able to see our surroundings for what they are, and what place we have among them. To assess the tools that are at our disposal and what we have to assist ourselves in what we would like to manifest and create for ourselves.

Making plans to move forward through this year are becoming more clear as the days pass. just ask my little black sheep Randy, who has decided he is coming into the house for love and companionship, as well as going for rides in the truck to see what else is in our small part of the world (just like his “brother” Lester the Whoodle)…the universe seems to be clearing the way for the life he wants too…

What changes do you want to see in your surroundings, yourself, and your healing journey?

What tools do you have to assist in these changes?

Are you willing to do the work you need and let change happen as the universe sees fit? Or are you going to try to force things (and by the way, how’s that been going for you so far?)

These plans that we make for our hopes and dreams every year affect every aspect of our lives. Seeds are sown every spring, literally and figuratively and grow into fruition, or not depending on the tools and care that we implement. Do we accept that we need to put in the work to cultivate these outcomes? To learn, to work at things daily, and then take ownership and delight in the outcome of that daily work?

My little black sheep Randy, who despite having a foot that did not form in the normally learned how to walk, then run and then climb steps to get to a door. He didn’t stop there, he learned how to open a door with his mouth to join his best friend and brother Lester, for shenanigans in the house.

This sweet little lamb has a plan, to get inside and play (and is now attempting to also get in the truck for rides) and is willing to learn to get to where his little heart wants to be. He is opening doors to my heart, our home and possibilities for himself that I never imagined happing (okay to be honest, I may have imagined them, but not in the short span of a couple of months.)

Maybe that is a place that we can join him on his journey and start doing what we need to, to create the life we would like to have. To seek out and find our joy, make our hearts and souls happy.

Right now, at this time of year, is where we decide how we are going to move forward. Choosing our tools, creative being, and attitudes that will move us into spring.

I am sending you all love and hope you open your own doors to love, joy, happiness and compassion.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole and Randy too!


The Body Knows How to Heal Itself, Are You Listening?

These days, I am out in nature everyday. I watch, listen and meditate in outside everyday. I watch, walk and run about with my animals. Slower than the little dog who flies, maybe a little faster than (at times) the sheep who checks out what grasses are tasty along the way. This is where I am doing most of my healing these days. My heart these days, is very full, and I am very grateful!

In reading these words, you can assume this has not where I have always been. A couple of years ago I fell on the ice and hit my head. This resulted in a concussion and a lot of physical healing of my brain was needed. As as often times as it must be in this universe, this also went hand in hand with healing of my mind and soul as well.

Today, my brain is healed physically, however allowing this to become the priority, giving it time to heal was harder than I ever thought it would be. I had to slow down, I had to give it time, I had to rest. I had to give up things that gave me joy.

That winter when I first fell, I could not play tennis, my winter exercise and stress relief, no longer an option. I needed to work less hours, and I was exploring expanding my business, reaching more people to help and fulfill my calling. How was this going to work? Um, no I have employees and people that where counting on me. I cannot let all of these people down…obviously I was supposed to overcome it all, right?

So, i pushed on through. I nourished my body, however I may have glossed over the need to rest my mind and tend to my soul after this injury. Physically, I attempted to do everything as I always had (how else would I take care of my body, home and animals), mentally things where a struggle and tending to my soul happened in spurts when I found time and was able to focus, which sadly was not often. Things got done, I got tired, things grew, i got more tired, a year went by I did not change, I was exhausted…I was keeping myself healthy enough to do what needed to get done…right?

The next winter, I was out shoveling snow and fell, hit my head and…

People the universe is going to keep giving you the same lesson until you get it! No matter who you are. This time, it was more serious, and I did not have a option to “push through it.” This time self-care was not an option. Healing was not something I was going to be able to dictate the course of. My body needed rest, my mind needed rest, and my soul demanded rest.

I needed to give up all of the ways that I had always “managed” stress, my businesses and obligations. I have to say, that things really have gone differently than I have ever imagined they would. AND THIS IS OKAY! Patience, Trust, love and self-care have been the outcome of this lesson. These are now things that I make sure are part of my day. Some days it is easy to remember and incorporate, some days are a total fail. I’m still learning and walking my path. I am healing, and become more whole with everyday that passes. However, there is more appreciation, gratitude, and love to be found everywhere.

I know you may of your wish for quicker healing, healing of certain aspects before others or just want to push (force) through. Please, please, please be patient, trust you are on the right path, and give yourself the care and love you deserve.

So remember, you are right where you need to be, your body is working as hard as it can healing your physical self where your need it first. Your body knows where and how much energy to devote to healing itself in order of need for it to work to its’ highest good. It is important that you allow healing to go in the order that needs to. Trust your body to get it right. Let go of the thinking patterns that you know the route to heal successfully. Just envision yourself in the state of health that you want to be in and trust your body to get you there. Give your body the right foods and nourishment, have patience with yourself, slow down and give yourself the time you need to heal, and do things that truly give you joy, you will know what they are when you realize how grateful you are for them each day.

I hope your heart is full at the end of the day.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole


Speaking To Yourself From a Place of Love

As I exhale I see the steam that my breath is making in air and it becomes enveloped in the snow that is falling. I close my eyes and lift my face so the snowflakes melt on my face. This is beautiful, and I am part of this. That feeling of connection builds gratitude, love, and self-belonging. Seeing myself as part of nature validates me, feeds my soul and fills my heart. It heals me from the inside to know that I am not separate or alone in this world. I am connected to the earth and I am a part of it.

As I stand here the snow is creating that sound damping effect, making things more muted, letting me look inwards at myself. Here I give myself a moment for introspection. Hey lovely, how’s it going? How are you feeling? What do you need? How are we going to use this day for your highest good?

I keep my communication with myself honest, but self-deprecation is not allowed, worry is not allowed, “I can’t” is not allowed. Some days are profound and filled with motivation and results. Some days it’s just the basic needs that get met. However, it is all done from the same place, from a place of love and respect for myself. Remember that communication with yourself is speaking and listening! Every day is different, however coming from a place of love every day is profound to your healing, mind, and soul.

Today I needed the earth beneath my feet, to breath the fresh air, to watch a dog and sheep play and to know that my home is warm to welcome me home. Most of all I needed to know I am part of that cold, that fun, and that warmth. This fills my heart and soul with the joy, love, and energy I need to do my work.

What quiets your mind?

What speaks to your soul?

What makes your heart happy?

And how much easier would it be if you talked to your self only from a place of love and healing?

Please take your time and practice giving yourself the love you need every day. It will get easier every day, bigger every day and more authentic every day.

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole

Lester being one with the snow!

Lester being one with the snow!

Holiday Self-Care

Just a few little notes to self this week about keeping things real and for your highest good. This time of year, festive and happy are what comes to mind for many but unfortunately, that is not always realistic. Whether you are with family, friends or just find this time of year difficult to navigate:

  1. Self-care comes first! Remember why you are on your healing journey, this will help in the decisions and reactions you make and have while with others.

  2. Use past interactions with others as a reference for what you can expect with them this year.

  3. Keep your expectations of others realistic. It is the season of goodness and light, but that does not always guarantee a happy, positive attitude with anyone. People are who they are.

  4. Know your boundaries, be vocal about them, and keep them. If they are not respected you have the ability to remove yourself from the conversation and/or location.

  5. If you find that you are in a place that is harmful or overwhelming to you, your healing, your mental state or are just in continuous discomfort, leave. Have a plan in place beforehand, then you will have this option at your disposal if needed. Pre-planning means you will not have to make decisions about “how” when you will most likely already be overwhelmed. You have the right to protect yourself.

  6. Don’t go it alone. Plan to have friends on stand-by or even go with you.

Slow down. Really think through whether or not you want to go where you are invited. Sometimes it just has to do with your energy level. Saying no is okay (even if you’d like to go, remember self-care first!) No is a boundary. A necessary boundary. It is a boundary of self-care. There is a limit to what you allow yourself to give or others to freely take, without taxing or doing harm to yourself.

Lastly, you can always do your own thing! Make new traditions for celebrating during the holiday season. Or choose to do something different entirely.

Please take care of yourself this season, and may blessings be upon you.

Happy Solstice Everyone! Here’s to bringing in the light!

Dr. Nicole


Give the Gift of a Moment to Yourself

When was the last time you took a moment for yourself? When was the last time you stopped and listened to what your internal needs are?

Not, what am I going to put on, in and around myself. Not, selecting supplements, foods, exercising, or dressing for the day’s requirements.

A moment to say hello to yourself, to check in with yourself, to love yourself for your own sake, for your own soul.

This does not take a meditation practice, an enormous amount of time, or need the eloquence of the perfect mantra.

It just takes positive intention, honesty, and a moment. Just take a moment to be completely honest with yourself. It is harder than you think, so allow yourself to sit for a minute and ask what your true needs are at this time.

Just a hey, you’re important, you’re worthy, you’re loved.

Find a spot you feel you feel comfortable with yourself for 5-10, can be inside or outside, even right where you are when you remember, oh yes, time for me!

Take a few deep breaths and visualize your healthiest, most vibrant self and give yourself the love and joy of that moment. Repeat as needed. Repeat again as needed. Remember it only takes a moment to give yourself, a little self-love, reassurance and an internal high five!! High five is a good way to remind yourself, YOU ARE DOING THIS!!

All My Best,

Dr. Nicole